Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Intro...

My name is Amber. And I'm married to a farmer. 

Sam and I met in 2008 at a beginning of the school year opening social of one of our churches organizations called Institute. I remember as I was sitting on the gym floor in a circle with some of my girlfriends he popped his head in looking right then left and closed the door. He had just come from playing basketball (or was going to play) and was wearing an Orange Timpview Tshirt and black basketball shorts. He was soooo dreamy. My first thought when I saw him was, I'm going to marry that man. Sure enough, here we are 6 years and 3 kids later. 
Little did I know then how our life would be. I learned quickly that he was from a rural town in eastern AZ and learned more and more about his background and future career of taking on the family farm in cotton pickin'. I was 19, and IN LOVE regardless of what this guy with the most dashing eyes said, I would support him in whatever he wanted to be and live wherever he wanted to.
Alright I probably wasn't that ga-ga over him but I certainly didn't really have an opinion.
I'm a city girl. I specifically remember a previous boyfriend (also a rural boy) telling me I would never survive in a small town.
Are you kidding me? I LOVE THIS TOWN. So what, we don't have even close to what Phoenix or Tucson have, but I have what I need. 
My husband, kids, and my faith. The most important things to me are these.

We moved here December 5, 2011. I always loved coming here to visit once Sam and I met up until we moved here. Our oldest boy had just turned 1 and we moved in with my in-laws while we searched for a place of our own. We knew we wanted to buy a house but in a town like this (and heaven forbid if we lived in either of the other two surrounding towns, small town rivalry) your options are very slim. But we have been blessed to be home owners since April of 2012. We love our little house and especially our neighbors and the neighborhood we live in. 

One of the things I love most about my husband is his work ethic. He is seriously the hardest worker I know. Since I've known him, well in the first couple years we were married, he went from like 4 different jobs before finally getting back to what he really wanted to do, farm cotton. 
From the minute we moved here he was up at the crack of dawn doing who knows what (okay I know what now...) and I wouldn't see him until dusk. And whenever he walked in the door he was filthy. I ain't use to filthy Sam. I'm use to personal banker Sam that came home smelling like hundred dolla bills. Just kidding but he most definitely did not come home covered in grease smellin like diesel. Pee-you-ee. (I'm obviously a mom.)

Anyway, I could go on forever but I won't give you every single detail of my emotions on this post. No, no. I will leave that for the stories I will post. The kind of stories that at the time made me cry my eyes out yelling I'm never having any more kids but now can look back on and laugh. It happened umm like 3 hours ago. Ha!

Enjoy the tales of A Day in the life of a Farmer's Wife.